The Minnesota Physician Leadership Institute curriculum is uniquely designed by and for physicians and led by program co-chairs, Corey Martin, MD, and Cindy Smith, MD.  

With a holistic approach to leadership development, the curriculum will provide skills, resources, and applied opportunities for growth in: 

  • Leading Self 

  • Leading People 

  • Leading Change 

  • Leading Organizations, an Introduction 

The Minnesota Medical Association (MMA) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. 

The MMA designates this live activity for a maximum of 61.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.     


  • MMA physician members 

    • Early- and mid-career physicians looking to learn essential leadership skills to complement their medical training 

    • Physicians interested in developing leadership skills to expand their career opportunities 

    • Physicians in formal and informal leadership positions looking for deeper expertise 

    • Physicians curious about the compatibility of future formal and informal leadership positions 

    • Physicians committed to professional development through collaboration with a group of like-minded peers 

Key Outcomes: 

  • Improved awareness of personal strengths and opportunities   

  • Enhanced knowledge and skills to drive change and improvement in medical practice, community health, and social or professional organizations 

  • Increased capacity to lead and influence people  

  • Adoption of a leadership mindset to drive professional growth and development  

  • Welcome & Introduction
    (7:30 am-4:30 pm + Welcome Reception 4:30 - 5:30 pm)

    Collaborating Effectively (CORE STRENGTHS™)

    Jill Hauwiller, MA

    This session utilizes personal and team insights to develop personal/interpersonal skills and improve engagement and collaboration. Through various exercises, individuals will begin to see how motives and behaviors can both benefit and detract collaboration.

    Session Key Outcomes:

    • Understand motives, values, and how to leverage motives effectively

    • Recognize key triggers, root causes, and how to manage triggers during a conflict effectively

    • Learn the top 3 strengths and the key to adapting to strengths in certain situations (agile leadership)

    • Identify and understand Overused Strengths

    Emotional Intelligence

    Jill Hauwiller, MA

    According to research, your emotional intelligence predicts future success far greater than your IQ or technical skills. This session defines emotional intelligence, makes the business case for emotional intelligence, and focuses on personal strategies for success.

    Session Key Outcomes:

    • Identify the relationships between emotional intelligence and business outcomes

    • Assess the personal level of emotional intelligence

    • Explore the relationship between empathy and organization outcomes

    • Identify barriers to developing and expressing empathy

    • Identify and implement specific strategies to increase the level of empathy and overall emotional intelligence

    Welcome Reception

  • Innovative Disruption
    (7:30 am - 4:30 pm)

    Hari Nair

    This session prepares leaders with strategies to face several disruptive forces. It will introduce the concept of Jobs to be Done and consumer centricity; how you spot opportunities, along with how to create disruptive solutions, create new business models, and finally, how to enable a culture of accountability.

    Session Key Outcomes:

    • Define disruptive innovation

    • Identify key concepts with a focus on Jobs to Be Done/customer centricity and how to apply them in your organization

    • Implement frameworks, methodologies, and tools to identify how and when disruption happens, and strategies to embrace those opportunities

    • Implement the strategic principles that govern competition and specify the competencies needed for success in new and different situations

    • Uncover a new approach for customer centricity to spot and shape new opportunities by applying the Jobs-to-Be-Done framework

  • Project Management for Leaders
    (7:30 am - 4:30 pm)

    Anant Mishra

    Physicians are not project managers; their focus lies in achieving operational excellence within their medical practices. Through guiding their teams to embrace project management methods, physicians can drive process improvements and enhance efficiency in healthcare delivery. This session will include a comprehensive review of a popular Agile method, specifically Scrum, providing valuable insights for physician leaders in optimizing healthcare practices.

    Session Key Outcomes:

    • Understand why projects often fail and the problem-solving techniques that can help reduce the risk of failure

    • Gain experience with the steps involved and value added by an effective and flexible practice management process

    • Use participant cases to self-reflect on how project management techniques can be leveraged as process improvement tools

    • Understand the appropriate way to integrate or advance the use of project management in your work

    Negotiation Strategies

    Danielle Hansen, MBA

    Learn the art and science of building winning negotiation strategies. This session covers the basics of planning, distributive and win-win negotiations, group problem-solving, multi-party negotiations. Discover expert tricks of the trade and convert that expertise into a competitive advantage.

    Session Key Outcomes:

    • Learn and practice critical negotiation strategies and tactics that experienced negotiators use to optimize their outcomes

    • Discover how to cultivate sustainable relationships through the negotiation process

    • Harness the psychology of influence tactics to help you formulate a winning negotiation strategy

    • Understand how your conflict management style influences your selection of strategies and tactics in a negotiation

    • Convert your negotiation expertise into a competitive advantage for your organization

  • Leadership Presence/Presenting as a Leader
    (8:00 am - 11:45 am)

    Diana Pavlovska

    This interactive session is focused on enhancing presentation effectiveness, using self-analysis and direct application to a real-life critical communication that participants will prepare to deliver. Participants will explore what their values are, their vision, and how that translates into communication and motivating an audience to act.

    Session Key Outcomes:

    • Discuss how executive presence impacts your credibility as a leader and your personal brand

    • Hone communications skills that target strategic, precise, persuasive, and motivating messages

    • Apply strategic communication design tools to critical business communications

    • Explore a variety of tips, techniques, and “best practices,” ranging from the development of persuasive communication to the actual delivery

    • Develop an action plan to improve effectiveness while presenting

    Physician Leadership in Quality & Safety
    (1:00 pm - 4:45 pm)

    David Satin, MD

    This session will introduce participants to the local, national, and historical quality improvement and patient safety (QI/PS) landscape through small and large group activities. Participants will apply common QI/PS tools to case examples, highlighting the role of leaders. We will debate the benefits and burdens of clinical quality measurement and its modern incentive structures, as well as discuss current trends and opportunities for leadership. Finally, participants will be individually challenged to integrate QI/PS into their professional roles and aspirations.

    Session Key Outcomes:

    • Describe the quality improvement and patient safety landscape, locally, nationally, and historically - including its place within the 12 domains of health systems science.

    • Apply 5 common quality improvement and patient safety tools at the leadership level to case examples.

    • Debate the benefits and burdens of clinical quality measurement, including its use in pay-for-performance, public reporting, physician tiering, and value-based payment.

    • Integrate the above learning goals with your professional leadership roles and aspirations.

  • Healthcare Policy
    (8:00 am - 11:45 am)

    Stephen Parente, PhD, MPH, MS

    This session provides an introduction to key aspects of health policy including a framework for the analysis of health policy, the evolution of health policy in the U.S. including the implementation of federal health reform, and perspectives on the allocation of resources to and within the health care sector.

    Advocacy Strategies
    (1:15 pm - 4:45 pm)

    Matthew Anderson, JD

    Effective advocacy is, and will continue to be, a key skill set for healthcare leaders. Public policy exerts a powerful influence on how health care services are distributed, delivered, measured, and financed. Therefore, it is imperative for policy makers to hear and understand the perspectives of our health care leaders. This session will provide a high-level overview of the opportunities for physician leaders to bring their voices and expertise into the policy making process, as well as practical steps for effective advocacy so your voices and experience have as much influence as possible.

    Session Key Outcomes:

    • Increase familiarity with the many forums for influencing and shaping public policy beyond writing letters to Congress

    • Promote a greater understanding of how policymakers' historical exercise of their authority and power contributed to health disparities

    • Increase understanding of best practices for effective advocacy, such as storytelling, use of data, building and protecting credibility, active listening, and relationship-building

  • Physician Health & Well-being
    (7:30 am - 12:00 pm)

    Corey Martin, MD

    Burnout is epidemic in healthcare and many other professions. Dr. Martin talks about how common burnout is and the consequences to our personal wellbeing, the organizations we work for and the people and patients we care for. He shares simple, efficient techniques to combat and prevent burnout and improve our relationships with our loved ones, colleagues, and patients.

    Session Key Outcomes:

    • Review current state of burnout in healthcare providers and the tie to quality, safety, experience and retention.

    • Understand the power of strong relationships on our health, happiness and longevity.

    • Understand that we are all leaders in this work and be able to identify opportunities that we have every day to incorporate resilience in our personal and work lives.

    • Understand the association between gratitude, health and happiness

    Physicians’ Day at the Capitol
    12:30 pm - 4:00 pm + (tentative)
    Happy Hour 4:15 - 6:00 pm

  • Leading Change
    (7:30 am - 5:00 pm)

    Mary Zellmer-Bruhn, PhD, MS

    Effective change leadership requires understanding self as a change agent. This session includes an examination of your personal strategic network to consider whether it offers you the reach and impact to effectively lead change in a global organization. Leading change requires an understanding of how and why people react to change the way they do, and how the conditions that drive change and organizational culture may affect reactions. Leaders will be introduced to a proven model of structured change and practice its application in a challenging and engaging interactive simulation.

    Session Key Outcomes:

    • Explore the links between the people side and the strategic side of change

    • Learn fundamental elements of strategic management and how these elements can enable organizational change

    • Understand how organizational culture and business conditions can impact the way that employees react to change

    • Recognize the situations when each approach to change is most effective

    • Leave with a proven model of structured change to bring to your workplace

    Legal and Ethical Responsibilities

    Rand Park, PhD, JD, MA

    The session will examine the foundations of ethics as it applies to ethical decision-making by leaders in healthcare. Participants will use tools and frameworks to learn how to draw on ethical principles and virtues, moral theorists, caring, and empathy to make complex ethical decisions. Physicians will learn how to apply these guiding frameworks to real-world scenarios. Whether considering issues related to patient care, resource allocation, or organizational policies, leaders will gain insights into balancing competing interests while upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct. This session aspires to mold healthcare leaders into ethical stewards who are well-versed in the principles, virtues, and theoretical foundations of ethics.

    Session Key Outcomes:

    • Use a foundation in moral philosophy to make and support ethical decisions as a health care leader.

    • Apply an ethical decision-making process to various contemporary and complex health care issues.

    • Influence decision-making among peers; use and model self-reflection, listening, empathy, and awareness as an ethical leader.

  • Mentoring & Coaching
    (8:00 am - 11:45 am)

    Jill Hauwiller, MA

    Coaching team members is a core competency for effective leadership. Coaches help others solve problems, improve skills, maximize strengths, deal with challenging situations, or make needed changes. This session focuses on the skills coaches need, including active listening, asking great questions, challenging, supporting, encouraging, and negotiating. The mentoring role involves helping others enhance their careers through assistance with professional development, networking, advising, and guiding.

    Leading for Sustainable Performance & Wellbeing
    (1:15 pm - 4:45 pm)

    Theresa Glomb, PhD, MA

    This session relies on a a blend of research, personal stories, and practical micro-interventions centered around the themes of "Work Hard. Have Fun. Choose Kind. Be Present." Research in each of these 4 themes is woven together with personal practices and ways to implement small, practical disciplines to improve your work life. Participants then activate the content with breakout sessions and interactive activities designed to craft routines and share insights. The application can generalize to the personal, team, or organizational practices.

    Session Key Outcomes:

    • Participants will increase their ability to improve performance and well-being at work

    • Be more intentional and recognize the power individuals have to improve our work lives

    • Create positive experiences at work through growth, happiness, and satisfaction

  • Healthcare Financial Accountability
    (7:30 am - 4:30 pm)

    Stuart Webb & Pinar Karaca-Mandic, PhD

    Using a simulation and case study, this session will present the basic principles of Accounting and Finance as they pertain to the healthcare industry. Students should expect to leave understanding how investors view their organization and its cash flows and how time affects the value of those cash flows.

  • Inclusive Leadership
    (7:30 am - 4:30 pm + Graduation Reception 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm)

    Abdul Omari, MPP, PhD

    This session allows for deep reflection about personal identities, our multiple identities, how those identities move into leadership, and how to better lead people from multiple backgrounds. Moreover, this course explores how identity, power, and privilege playout in leadership.

    Emerging Trends Discussion & Panel

    Pinar Karaca-Mandic, PhD

    Stephen Parente, PhD, MPH, MS

    Various Guests

    The panel session is not accredited for CME.

    Program Conclusion & Reception